Completing My Cybersecurity Bootcamp Journey

The final four weeks of the Northwestern Cybersecurity Bootcamp have been incredibly enriching. We delved into detailed log analysis and integrated Splunk for SIEM, creating sophisticated alerts and visualizing cybersecurity data through dashboards. The highlight was my final project, “Have I Been Pwned? Offline,” which involved creating a Dockerized offline tool to check for compromised …

Mastering Advanced Cybersecurity Tactics

Over the past four weeks at the Northwestern Cybersecurity Bootcamp, we’ve delved into advanced penetration testing and cybersecurity strategies. We mastered lateral movement and process migration within networks, pushing our skills by exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications, Linux, and Windows servers. We refined our analytical capabilities through in-depth log analysis and SIEM integration with Splunk, …

Diving into Offensive Security

The last month has been the most intense yet rewarding part of the cybersecurity bootcamp, focusing heavily on offensive security tactics and penetration testing. Learning to use Shodan for reconnaissance, understanding the intricacies of the MITRE attack framework, and practicing exploitation with Metasploit has transformed my theoretical knowledge into practical, actionable skills. This segment of …

Exploring Deeper Cybersecurity Waters

As I pass the three-month mark of the cybersecurity bootcamp, the intensity and depth of knowledge continue to grow. These past four weeks have introduced me to critical aspects of DHCP, NAT, and the intricacies of routing and packet analysis in network communications. Using tools like Aircrack-ng for network analysis and security testing has been …

Advancing into Network and System Security

The second month at the cybersecurity bootcamp has been a whirlwind of learning and application, especially in network security and system defenses. From analyzing network packets with Wireshark to understanding IP address conversions and network topologies, I’ve gained invaluable insights into how data travels and can be secured. Practical sessions on managing Linux processes and …

Foundations in Cybersecurity

Over the past four weeks, I’ve embarked on an enlightening journey into the fundamentals of cybersecurity. From mastering the basics of security strategies and tools to exploring the depths of the CIA triad, the initial phase of the Northwestern Cybersecurity Bootcamp has reshaped my understanding of this field. We delved into various types of cybersecurity …